HIAS proporciona servicios vitales a personas afectadas por el desplazamiento en 21 pa�ses de todo el mundo. Con m�s de 130 a�os de experiencia, HIAS aboga por los derechos de todas las personas desplazadas por la fuerza para que puedan reconstruir sus vidas y busca crear un mundo en el que encuentren bienvenida, seguridad y oportunidad.
Como organizaci�n fundada y construida por refugiados, y habiendo ayudado a m�s de 4,5 millones refugiados y migrantes que escapan de la violencia y la persecuci�n, HIAS est� especialmente calificado para abordar la situaci�n actual de los refugiados, que se ha convertido en una crisis humanitaria mundial.
HIAS presta servicios vitales a las personas de inter�s y defiende sus derechos fundamentales para que puedan rehacer sus vidas, proporcion�ndoles apoyo legal, trabajando por el fin de la violencia basada en g�nero, apoyando la salud mental y promoviendo la inclusi�n econ�mica.
En este �ltimo �mbito clave HIAS garantiza a trav�s de los programas de inclusi�n econ�mica, que tengan oportunidades econ�micas seguras para obtener ingresos sostenibles y reconstruir sus vidas, con el objetivo de:
aliviar la pobreza a trav�s del Programa Modelo de Graduaci�n, que combina la capacitaci�n vocacional y t�cnica, la educaci�n financiera y el entrenamiento con asistencia en efectivo;
apoyar el esp�ritu empresarial mediante la formaci�n de refugiados para que inicien negocios en sus pa�ses de acogida;
facilitar el empleo asalariado de los refugiados mediante el desarrollo de habilidades y la conexi�n de estos con los empleadores;
apoyar la inclusi�n financiera mediante la incidencia con bancos y las instituciones de microfinanzas, la formaci�n en educaci�n financiera y el acercamiento de los refugiados a los servicios financieros; y
responder a las emergencias con intervenciones econ�micas y financieras
Actualmente hay m�s de 100 millones de hombres, mujeres y ni�os en todo el mundo que se han visto obligados a huir de sus hogares a causa de conflictos, violencia o persecuci�n. En Am�rica Latina y el Caribe, HIAS inici� operaciones en Honduras en 2022 y en Guatemala en 2023, ampliando as� su presencia en la regi�n para cubrir casi toda la ruta migratoria a trav�s de oficinas en Aruba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, M�xico, Panam�, Per� y Venezuela.
Dada la irregularidad de los crecientes flujos migratorios, la poblaci�n desplazada por la fuerza y su comunidad de acogida, en Am�rica Latina y el Caribe enfrenta riesgos significativos, como la violencia y el abuso, las violaciones de los derechos humanos y la limitada cobertura de las necesidades b�sicas y el acceso a los servicios. Adem�s, la falta de documentos legales les impide acceder al empleo formal y al trabajo por cuenta propia, lo que las hace especialmente vulnerables a la explotaci�n laboral y al trabajo informal. Por lo tanto, es esencial fomentar el desarrollo de capacidades para generar medios de vida sostenibles en la poblaci�n de inter�s, que a su vez contribuyan a su protecci�n. As� mismo, las comunidades de acogida enfrentan dificultades de acceso a procesos de formaci�n y capacitaci�n, acceso a cr�dito y certificaci�n de sus emprendimientos. En especial para las mujeres, quienes se encuentran en zonas fronterizas sus riesgos a vivenciar violencia es mayor, debido a que la ruta de protecci�n, atenci�n y referencia no cuenta con instituciones gubernamentales u organizaciones que las puedan atender en sus aldeas.
Como respuesta HIAS en Latinoam�rica y el Caribe busca implementar programas dise�ados para promover el desarrollo de negocios de personas desplazadas por la fuerza y comunidades de acogida en algunas de las econom�as m�s fr�giles de la regi�n. Para responder a las necesidades en Honduras y Guatemala, se encuentra en la implementaci�n del primer a�o de proyecto promoviendo oportunidades de empleo formal para poblaciones vulnerables quienes a trav�s del autoempleo encuentran una v�a eficiente para lograr medios de vida sostenibles y evitar el uso de mecanismos de afrontamiento negativos para cubrir sus necesidades b�sicas.
Objeto de la Consultor�a
La presente consultor�a tiene como objetivo realizar una Evaluaci�n de las fases implementadas durante el primer a�o del proyecto �Catalyzing Self-Reliance for Refugees�, en ejecuci�n en Guatemala en los municipios de Solol�, Huehuetenango e Izabal, y en Honduras en el municipio de El Progreso.
Objetivos Espec�ficos
Analizar la relevancia y coherencia de las actividades implementadas de acuerdo con las necesidades y el contexto.
Evaluar el cumplimiento de objetivos y resultados de la fase de intervenci�n.
Evaluar la sostenibilidad de los emprendimientos apoyados en el proyecto en t�rminos de la capacidad de generaci�n de ingresos posterior a la entrega del capital semilla.
Brindar informaci�n al equipo del proyecto y donante para la generaci�n de un aprendizaje a trav�s de lecciones aprendidas y practicas prometedoras para futuras iniciativas de inclusi�n econ�mica en Honduras y Guatemala.
Fecha de publicaci�n - 3/12/2024
Fecha l�mite de envi� de preguntas - 10/12/2024 hasta las 23:59 horas
Fecha l�mite de env�o de respuestas - 11/12/2024
Fecha l�mite de env�o de propuestas 13/12/2024 hasta las 23:59 horas
Alcance y Metodolog�a
La evaluaci�n se realizar� a la implementaci�n del proyecto en Honduras y Guatemala teniendo en cuenta un enfoque regional utilizando una metodolog�a mixta, que incorpora herramientas de car�cter cuantitativo y cualitativo, enfocadas en los criterios de evaluaci�n pertinencia, eficacia, eficiencia, sostenibilidad y adaptabilidad. Se prev� contar con la participaci�n de las personas beneficiarias del proyecto, miembros de los equipos a nivel nacional y regional, as� como la recolecci�n y el an�lisis de fuentes primarias y secundarias de informaci�n. Los instrumentos para la recopilaci�n de datos se adaptar�n seg�n al contexto de cada pa�s. Se proponen las siguientes fases para la realizaci�n de la evaluaci�n:
Revisi�n documental del Proyecto: HIAS proporcionar� informaci�n relevante al consultor/a, frente a la fase de formulaci�n, implementaci�n y seguimiento del Proyecto, as� como justificativos correspondientes a evaluaciones de satisfacci�n aplicadas, informes de talleres de reflexi�n de la implementaci�n realizados con los equipos, formularios de seguimiento a emprendimientos, entre otros documentos relevantes para el objeto de la consultor�a.
Dise�o de instrumentos de recolecci�n de informaci�n: El consultor/a construir� las herramientas para el levantamiento de informaci�n primaria, las cuales ser�n validadas por HIAS.
Recopilaci�n de datos:
Personas de inter�s (Pdi): Poblaci�n desplazada por la fuerza y comunidad de acogida participante y/o beneficiaria del proyecto. HIAS ser� el encargado de convocar a las personas. Para su recolecci�n se revisar�n las diferentes modalidades de abordaje
Integrantes del equipo, donante y actores en territorio: Entrevistas individuales a miembros de los equipos implementadores, a nivel de direcci�n y/o de terreno, aliados o socios de HIAS en los territorios y miembros del equipo donante. Para ello HIAS establecer� este contacto. Para la recolecci�n de informaci�n se revisar�n las diferentes modalidades de abordaje.
Levantamiento de informaci�n primaria. Las herramientas para la recopilaci�n de datos por pa�s bajo el previo consentimiento informado corresponder�n a los siguientes instrumentos:
Grupos focales
Entrevistas semiestructuradas
Muestra de la poblaci�n: tomando en cuenta el tama�o total de la poblaci�n que particip� en la etapa de capacitaci�n en las escuelas de emprendimiento, los emprendimientos beneficiados del capital semilla y las entidades con las que logr� realizar acercamiento, con un nivel de confianza deseado del 95% y el margen de error tolerado del 5%, se sugiere el siguiente muestreo:
NOTA: Para la recolecci�n de informaci�n primaria se revisar�n las diferentes modalidades de levantamiento, en el planteamiento de viajes a terreno, el consultor/a asumir� los gastos por concepto de transporte, alojamiento y manutenci�n que se deriven de su estrategia.
4. An�lisis de los datos: a trav�s de las herramientas de recolecci�n de informaci�n dise�adas se har� la validaci�n y el procesamiento de los datos, as� como la revisi�n de fuentes secundarias de informaci�n para el an�lisis considerando los criterios de coherencia, relevancia, cumplimiento de objetivos y resultados, impacto y sostenibilidad, teniendo en cuenta el apartado anterior.
5. Elaboraci�n de informe final y de resumen ejecutivo: Teniendo en cuenta los objetivos y alcance de la consultor�a, se construir� el informe que recopila el an�lisis de la informaci�n, presentaci�n de hallazgos y recomendaciones considerando la utilizaci�n de gr�ficas, indicando la fuente de las citas o referencias mencionadas en el texto, recopilaci�n de historias de �xito con material fotogr�fico y/o videogr�fico. As� mismo, la entrega del resumen ejecutivo que sintetice la informaci�n clave de resultados, lecciones aprendidas, buenas pr�cticas y recomendaciones.
6. Socializaci�n de resultados a equipo del Proyecto.
7. Seguimiento a la consultor�a: Para el proceso de elaboraci�n de los entregables esperados se programar�n comit�s de seguimiento para conocer el avance de la consultor�a. Reuniones peri�dicas (semanalmente o seg�n el intervalo de tiempo requerido) entre (Comit� evaluador HIAS y consultor/a) para validar el avance de la consultor�a, las fechas se concertar�n entre ambas partes, as� mismo, el consultor/a estar� disponible para atender las solicitudes de HIAS. El comit� evaluador de HIAS realizar� retroalimentaci�n y aprobaci�n final de los productos entregables.
8. Preguntas Orientadoras Sugeridas
La implementaci�n del Proyecto, responde a los desaf�os humanitarios en econom�as fr�giles y a la situaci�n actual de las personas desplazadas por la fuerza y la comunidad de acogida en cada pa�s?
C�mo el proyecto se adecu� y respondi� a los cambios de contexto? A considerar aspectos sociales, culturales, econ�micos, pol�ticos, entre otros.
En qu� medida el proyecto promueve sinergias estrat�gicas a nivel regional con otros proyectos locales y/o regionales, para responder a la crisis econ�mica de las personas desplazadas por la fuerza y comunidades de acogida?
Las actividades desarrolladas en el proyecto satisfacen las necesidades de las personas participantes y beneficiarias en los territorios de implementaci�n?
Los objetivos y resultados del Proyecto son relevantes frente a las necesidades de la poblaci�n de inter�s priorizada?
Qu� desaf�os se han identificado en la implementaci�n? �C�mo se resolvieron?
Cu�les son las principales recomendaciones para futuras oportunidades de implementaci�n?
Cumplimiento de Objetivos y Resultados:
Las actividades e indicadores previstos en la propuesta del proyecto respond�an a los resultados esperados?
Se entregaron los resultados dentro del tiempo establecido? �Los recursos dispuestos para el proyecto fueron suficientes para alcanzar los resultados esperados?
�Cu�les fueron los impactos de las actividades implementadas en el proyecto en las personas de inter�s?
�El proyecto ayud� a posicionar a HIAS como actor clave para la atenci�n de la poblaci�n desplazada por la fuerza y comunidad de acogida, en Honduras y Guatemala?
M�s all� del alcance del Proyecto, �tendr� la acci�n un impacto a largo plazo en la regi�n?
Las personas beneficiarias contin�an aplicando las habilidades adquiridas y generando ingresos despu�s de la finalizaci�n del proyecto?
Las alianzas con otras entidades garantizan que los objetivos del proyecto contin�en a largo plazo?
Productos, Plazo de Entrega y Pagos
El per�odo establecido para la realizaci�n de la consultor�a es un plazo m�ximo de (4) cuatro meses, a partir de la firma del contrato, de la siguiente manera:
Entregable 1: Plan de Trabajo y Dise�o
* Con el recibido a satisfacci�n del primer entregable, se estima como costo el 30% del valor total de la consultor�a.
Entregable 2: Informe Preliminar
* Con el recibido a satisfacci�n del segundo entregable, se estima como costo el 30% del valor total de la consultor�a
Entregable 3: Informe Preliminar
Caracter�sticas y criterios de evaluaci�n de la propuesta
Documentos para presentar:
Propuesta econ�mica: debe incluir costo de los productos a entregar detallados en los TDR en los tiempos previstos. El costo de cada uno de los productos debe incluir la totalidad de los costos asociados a la elaboraci�n de estos, tales como; honorarios, gastos de viaje para levantamiento de informaci�n primaria (transporte, alojamiento, alimentaci�n, log�stica de grupos focales, etc.), levantamiento de informaci�n de soporte (encuestas, fotos, etc.). Igualmente, el consultor deber� indicar dentro de su propuesta el costo asociado al pago de impuestos, tasas y contribuciones a cargo del consultor, de tal forma que el valor total de la propuesta ya incluya este valor.
Propuesta t�cnica: Debe detallar la metodolog�a que el consultor desarrollara para la entrega de los productos establecidos, tomando como referencia la informaci�n del presente documento de TDR. La propuesta responder� a los requerimientos planteados en los t�rminos de referencia.
Formas de pago contra entrega de productos (en caso de no poder aceptar lo especificado en la secci�n �Productos, Plazo de entrega y Pagos� del presente).
Certificaci�n de servicios relacionados con el objeto del presente, en los roles de consultor�a, asesor�a, gesti�n de proyectos sociales y afines.
Perfil del consultor/a:
Formaci�n acad�mica en ciencias econ�micas, sociales, humanitarias y/o de desarrollo.
Experiencia de entre 3 y 5 a�os en la implementaci�n, evaluaciones de resultado o impacto de proyectos de inclusi�n econ�mica en la l�nea de recuperaci�n temprana o desarrollo y similares.
Amplios conocimientos en inclusi�n econ�mica preferiblemente l�nea de emprendimiento con enfoque de g�nero con poblaciones vulnerables.
Se valorar� experiencia en el contexto humanitario en Guatemala y Honduras.
Criterios de evaluaci�n de la propuesta:
Presentaci�n completa y clara de la propuesta de consultor�a.
Oferta financiera detallada.
Perfil acad�mico.
Hoja de vida completa con los respectivos soportes.
Acreditar la experiencia en las tem�ticas anteriormente mencionadas.
Experiencia comprobable de realizaci�n de consultor�as similares.
Presentaci�n de las propuestas
Las propuestas deber�n registrarse en la plataforma de HIAS en el link que contiene el presente documento. Es importante tener en cuenta diligenciar los datos b�sicos solicitados y adjuntar los documentos requeridos. Existen 3 espacios para subir 1 documento en cada espacio, por favor tener presente:
Espacio de CV � Adjuntar 1 archivo de m�ximo 10Mb de la(s) hoja(s) de vida de postulantes a cargo de la consultor�a.
Espacio de Cover Letter � Adjuntar 1 archivo de m�ximo 10Mb con la propuesta econ�mica y t�cnica. Espacio de Additional files � Adjuntar 1 archivo de m�ximo 10Mb con los dem�s documentos requeridos en la convocatoria.
Estos t�rminos de referencia y la propuesta presentada por el proveedor, para los casos que aplique de acuerdo con nuestro proceso de adquisici�n, se establecer�n como base para la firma del contrato por ambas partes, el cual contendr� las obligaciones de cada una de las partes e implicaciones de ley.
HIAS, se comprometer� a pagar el valor correspondiente a la adquisici�n de acuerdo con lo presentado por el proveedor y aprobado por el comit� de evaluaci�n de los proveedores. Manejamos como pol�tica de pago un plazo m�ximo de 30 d�as calendario posterior a recepci�n a conformidad de los productos y factura(s). Del valor del contrato se har�n todos los descuentos de la ley en la oficina sede de HIAS para el tipo de adquisici�n contratada. La propuesta econ�mica debe incluir los gastos de viaje para recolecci�n de informaci�n en dichos pa�ses.
Claridades de las propuestas:
HIAS, en los casos en que sea necesario, solicitar� claridad de la documentaci�n presentada por el consultor/a siempre y cuando esta solicitud no vaya en detrimento de la competencia leal entre las propuestas presentadas o las aclaraciones no impliquen cambios sustanciales en estos documentos, garantizando as� una evaluaci�n equitativa como lo estipula nuestra pol�tica de adquisici�n.
El consultor/a deber� guardar confidencialidad y reserva absoluta en el manejo de la informaci�n a la que tenga acceso para el cumplimiento de la contrataci�n.
Propiedad Intelectual:
Los productos resultados de la consultor�a ser�n propiedad de HIAS, por lo que cualquier uso de la informaci�n por personas ajenas se considerar� una contravenci�n al contrato suscrito.
HIAS provides vital services to people affected by displacement in 21 countries around the world. With more than 130 years of experience, HIAS advocates for the rights of all forcibly displaced people to rebuild their lives and seeks to create a world where they find welcome, safety and opportunity.
As an organization founded and built by refugees, and having helped more than 4.5 million refugees and migrants fleeing violence and persecution, HIAS is uniquely qualified to address the current refugee situation, which has become a global humanitarian crisis.
HIAS provides vital services to people of concern and advocates for their fundamental rights to rebuild their lives by providing legal support, working to end gender-based violence, supporting mental health and promoting economic inclusion.
In the latter key area HIAS ensures through economic inclusion programs, that they have secure economic opportunities to earn sustainable income and rebuild their lives, with the goal of:
alleviating poverty through the Graduation Model Program, which combines vocational and technical training, financial education and training with cash assistance;
supporting entrepreneurship by training refugees to start businesses in their host countries;
facilitating refugee wage employment through skills development and connecting refugees with employers;
supporting financial inclusion through advocacy with banks and microfinance institutions, financial literacy training and outreach to refugees on financial services; and
respond to emergencies with economic and financial interventions.
There are currently more than 100 million men, women and children around the world who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, violence or persecution. In Latin America and the Caribbean, HIAS began operations in Honduras in 2022 and Guatemala in 2023, expanding its presence in the region to cover almost the entire migration route through offices in Aruba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Venezuela.
Given the irregularity of increasing migration flows, the forcibly displaced population and their host community in Latin America and the Caribbean face significant risks, such as violence and abuse, human rights violations, and limited coverage of basic needs and access to services. In addition, the lack of legal documents prevents them from accessing formal employment and self-employment, making them particularly vulnerable to labor exploitation and informal work. Therefore, it is essential to foster capacity building to generate sustainable livelihoods for the population of interest, which in turn contribute to their protection. Likewise, the host communities face difficulties in accessing education and training processes, access to credit and certification of their enterprises. Especially for women, who are located in border areas, the risk of experiencing violence is higher, because the protection, care and referral route does not have government institutions or organizations that can assist them in their villages.
In response, HIAS in Latin America and the Caribbean seeks to implement programs designed to promote business development for forcibly displaced persons and host communities in some of the region's most fragile economies. To respond to the needs in Honduras and Guatemala, it is implementing the first year of the project by promoting formal employment opportunities for vulnerable populations who, through self-employment, find an efficient way to achieve sustainable livelihoods and avoid using negative coping mechanisms to meet their basic needs.
Object of the Consultancy
The purpose of this consultancy is to evaluate the phases implemented during the first year of the "Catalyzing Self-Reliance for Refugees" project, which is being executed in Guatemala in the municipalities of Solol�, Huehuetenango and Izabal, and in Honduras in the municipality of El Progreso.
Specific Objectives
Analyze the relevance and coherence of the activities implemented according to the needs and context.
Evaluate the fulfillment of objectives and results of the intervention phase.
Evaluate the sustainability of the ventures supported by the project in terms of their capacity to generate income after the delivery of the seed capital.
Provide information to the project team and donor to generate learning through lessons learned and promising practices for future economic inclusion initiatives in Honduras and Guatemala.
Scope and Methodology
The evaluation will be carried out on the implementation of the project in Honduras and Guatemala, taking into account a regional approach using a mixed methodology that incorporates quantitative and qualitative tools, focused on the evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and adaptability. It is expected to involve the participation of project beneficiaries and members of the national and regional teams, as well as the collection and analysis of primary and secondary sources of information. The instruments for data collection will be adapted according to the context of each country. The following phases are proposed for the evaluation:
Documentary review of the Project: HIAS will provide relevant information to the consultant regarding the formulation, implementation and follow-up phase of the Project, as well as justifications corresponding to the satisfaction evaluations applied, reports of the implementation reflection workshops carried out with the teams, forms for the follow-up of projects, among other documents relevant to the purpose of the consultancy.
Design of data collection instruments: The consultant will construct the tools for primary data collection, which will be validated by HIAS.
Data collection:
Persons of Interest (PoI): Forcibly displaced population and host community participants and/or beneficiaries of the project. HIAS will be in charge of convening the people. For its collection, the different modalities of approach will be reviewed.
Team members, donor and stakeholders in the territory: Individual interviews with members of the implementing teams, at management and/or field level, allies or partners of HIAS in the territories and members of the donor team. For this purpose, HIAS will establish this contact. For the collection of information, the different modalities of approach will be reviewed.
Primary data collection. The tools for data collection by country under prior informed consent will correspond to the following instruments:
Focus groups
Semi-structured interviews
Population sample: taking into account the total size of the population that participated in the training stage at the entrepreneurship schools, the ventures that benefited from the seed capital and the entities with which it was able to make contact, with a desired confidence level of 95% and the tolerated margin of error of 5%, the following sampling is suggested:
NOTE: For the collection of primary information, the different survey modalities will be reviewed. In the case of field trips, the consultant will assume the expenses for transportation, lodging and meals derived from his/her strategy.
Data analysis: through the information collection tools designed, data validation and processing will be carried out, as well as the review of secondary sources of information for the analysis considering the criteria of coherence, relevance, compliance with objectives and results, impact and sustainability, taking into account the previous section.
Preparation of the final report and executive summary: Taking into account the objectives and scope of the consultancy, a report will be prepared that compiles the analysis of the information, presentation of findings and recommendations considering the use of graphs, indicating the source of quotations or references mentioned in the text, compilation of success stories with photographic and/or video material. Also, the delivery of the executive summary that synthesizes the key information of results, lessons learned, good practices and recommendations.
Socialization of results to the project team.
Follow-up to the consultancy: For the elaboration process of the expected deliverables, follow-up committees will be scheduled to know the progress of the consultancy. Periodic meetings (weekly or according to the required time interval) between (HIAS evaluation committee and consultant) to validate the progress of the consultancy, the dates will be agreed between both parties, likewise, the consultant will be available to attend HIAS requests. The HIAS evaluation committee will provide feedback and final approval of the deliverables.
Suggested Guiding Questions:
Does the implementation of the Project respond to the humanitarian challenges in fragile economies and the current situation of forcibly displaced persons and the host community in each country?
How did the project adapt and respond to changes in the context? To consider social, cultural, economic and political aspects, among others.
To what extent does the project promote strategic synergies at the regional level with other local and/or regional projects to respond to the economic crisis of forcibly displaced persons and host communities?
Do the activities developed in the project meet the needs of the participants and beneficiaries in the territories of implementation?
Are the project objectives and results relevant to the needs of the prioritized population of interest?
What challenges have been identified in the implementation and how were they resolved?
What are the main recommendations for future implementation opportunities?
Fulfillment of Objectives and Results:
Did the activities and indicators foreseen in the project proposal meet the expected results?
Were the results delivered within the established timeframe? Were the resources provided for the project sufficient to achieve the expected results
What were the impacts of the activities implemented in the project on the persons of interest?
Did the project help position HIAS as a key actor for the care of the forcibly displaced population and host community in Honduras and Guatemala?
Beyond the scope of the Project, will the action have a long-term impact on the region??????
Do the beneficiaries continue to apply the acquired skills and generate income after the end of the project?
Do partnerships with other entities ensure that the project's objectives continue in the long term?
Products, Delivery and Payment
The period established for the performance of the consultancy is a maximum term (4) four months, as of the signing of the contract, as follows:
Documents to submit:
Economic proposal: must include the cost of the deliverables detailed in the TOR within the foreseen timeframe. The cost of each of the products must include all costs associated with their elaboration, such as: fees, travel expenses for the collection of primary information (transportation, lodging, food, focus group logistics, etc.), collection of supporting information (surveys, photos, etc.). Likewise, the consultant must indicate in its proposal the cost associated with the payment of taxes, fees and contributions to be paid by the consultant, so that the total value of the proposal already includes this value.
Technical proposal: It must detail the methodology that the consultant will develop for the delivery of the established products, taking as reference the information of the present TOR document. The proposal shall respond to the requirements set forth in the .
Payment methods against delivery of products (in case cannot accept what is specified in the section "Products, Delivery Time and Payments" herein).
Certification of services related to the subject matter hereof, in the roles of consulting, advisory, social project management and related.
Academic background in economic, social, humanitarian and/or development sciences.
3 to 5 years of experience in the implementation, outcome or impact evaluations of economic inclusion projects in the early recovery or development line and similar.
Extensive knowledge in economic inclusion, preferably in the line of entrepreneurship with a gender focus with vulnerable populations.
Experience in the humanitarian context in Guatemala and Honduras is an asset.
Proposal evaluation criteria:
Complete and clear presentation of the consulting proposal.
Detailed financial offer.
Academic profile.
Complete resume with the respective supports.
Proof of experience in aforementioned areas.
Verifiable experience in similar consulting assignments.
Presentation of proposals
Proposals must be registered in the HIAS platform in the link contained in this document. It is important to fill in the basic information requested and attach the required documents. There are 3 spaces to upload 1 document in each space, please keep in mind:
CV space - Attach 1 file of maximum 10Mb of the resume(s) of the applicant(s) in charge of the consultancy.
Cover Letter space - Attach 1 file of maximum 10Mb with the economic and technical proposal. Additional files space - Attach 1 file of maximum 10Mb with the other documents required in the call for proposals.
These terms of reference and the proposal submitted by the supplier, for applicable cases according to our procurement process, will be established as the basis for the signing of the contract by both parties, which will contain the obligations of each of the parties and legal implications.
HIAS, will commit to pay the value corresponding to the acquisition according to what has been presented by the supplier and approved by the supplier evaluation committee. Our payment policy is a maximum term of 30 calendar days after receipt of the products and invoice(s). From the value of the contract will be made all the discounts of the law in the HIAS headquarters office for the type of contracted acquisition. The economic proposal must include travel expenses for the collection of information in those countries.
Clarity of Proposals:
HIAS, where necessary, will request clarification of the documentation submitted by the consultant as long as this request is not detrimental to fair competition among the proposals submitted or the clarifications do not imply substantial changes to these documents, thus ensuring a fair evaluation as stipulated in our procurement policy.
The consultant shall maintain confidentiality and absolute reserve in the handling of the information to which he/she has access for the fulfillment of the contract.
Intellectual Property:
The products resulting from the consultancy will be the property of HIAS, so any use of the information by outsiders will be considered a contravention of the contract.
The expected deliverables of the consultancy are listed below, as follows:
First deliverable: Work plan including:
Methodological proposal.
Preliminary data collection and analysis tools.
Schedule of activities.
Second deliverable: Preliminary written report including:
Context including labor market analysis in the line of self-employment with a gender focus, objective and scope of the evaluation.
Evaluation methodology, including tools for primary and secondary data collection and sample design.
Analysis of the information gathered, main results and findings in stage 1 of project implementation.
Stage 1: Training, this phase includes the process of targeting, linking people of interest, training process of the three schools of entrepreneurship, regular school, Canvas School and School of entrepreneurship with a gender approach.
Recommendations following each stage of the project.
Conclusions -include bibliography, if applicable-.
Annex 1: List of documentation of secondary data consulted.
Annex 2: primary/secondary data collection tools and data collected (including list of people interviewed, response rate and participation in group spaces, photographic or video evidence, physical and/or digital work supports).
Third deliverable: Final written report and presentation of results.
The final written report includes:
Analysis of the information gathered, main results and findings in stages 2 and 3 and the cross-cutting stage of project implementation.
Stage 2: Delivery of seed capital, this phase includes presentation of the business plan to the evaluation committee, selection of the beneficiaries of the seed capital, delivery process and verification of the investment.
Stage 3: Follow-up of ventures, an analysis of this stage is expected to facilitate the response to the indicator that aims to measure the capacity of active ventures to generate income to meet the basic needs of entrepreneurs.
Transversal stage: Alliances, this phase includes the strategic relationship and establishment of inter-institutional alliances for the implementation and sustainability of the project.
Recommendations for each stage of the project.
Conclusions -include bibliography, if applicable.
Annex 3: List of surveyed enterprises.
Annex 4: Primary/secondary data collection tools and data collected (including an analysis of the economic dynamics and sustainability projections of the capitalized ventures, selection and presentation of two success stories, photographic or video evidence, physical and/or digital work supports). Executive Summary Document, synthesis of evaluation results including the summary of the final document, prioritizing: Main conclusions, promising practices, lessons learned and recommendations.
Presentation of results: The results of this evaluation will be socialized with the project team and the donor.
HIAS clarifies that the publication of this document does not constitute an obligation for the continuity of the process, which may be suspended, modified or cancelled at any time.
Over one hundred years ago, the Jewish community founded HIAS (originally the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) in New York City, the immigrant gateway to America. Supporting Jews fleeing persecution and poverty in Eastern Europe, our founders were guided by the traditions, texts and history of the Jewish people�a history of oppression, displacement and diaspora. HIAS has since helped generations of Jews facing violence because of who they were, and HIAS remains committed to helping Jewish refugees anywhere in the world. Today, our clients at HIAS come from diverse faiths, ethnicities and backgrounds, as do our staff. We bring our experience, history and values to our work across five continents, ensuring that refugees today receive the vital services and opportunities they need to thrive.
HIAS is a learning community, committed to diversity and inclusion. We do our work with integrity, accountability, transparency and a commitment to the highest ethical standards. We seek employees from diverse backgrounds and life experiences to join our teams located in the United States and across the globe. People who identify as BIPOC, people with disabilities, people from the LGBTQ+ community and people with lived experiences of forced displacement or immigration are all encouraged to apply. We are committed to building a diverse workforce that reflects our vision, mission and values.
HIAS stands for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety and opportunity.
Drawing on our Jewish values and history, HIAS provides vital services to refugees and asylum seekers around the world and advocates for their fundamental rights so they can rebuild their lives.
Welcome � Acogimiento � Hospitalit� � Hachnasat Orchim
We Welcome the Stranger
Justice � Justicia � Justice � Tzedek
We Pursue Justice
Empathy � Empat�a � Empathie � Chesed
We Approach our Clients with Empathy
Partnership � Compa�erismo � Coop�ration � Chevruta
We Believe in Changing the World through Partnership
Courage � Coraje � Courage � Ometz
We Act with Courage to Build a Better World
HIAS is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnic background, ancestry, citizenship status, religious creed, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, registered domestic partner or civil union status, familial status, pregnancy, childbirth, military status, protected veteran status, political orientation or other legally protected status.
Studies have shown that women and people of color are less likely to apply for jobs unless they meet every single qualification. We strongly encourage applicants of diverse identities, backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to apply even if you do not meet all required qualifications but have other qualifications relevant to the role that would make you a great fit for this role with HIAS!
HIAS is committed to the protection of children, vulnerable adults and any other person from any harm caused directly or indirectly due to their coming into contact with HIAS. We will not tolerate sexual exploitation, abuse or any form of child abuse or neglect by our staff or associated personnel. Any candidate offered a job with HIAS will be expected to sign and adhere to HIAS� Code of Conduct and Safeguarding policies. All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records. HIAS also participates in the Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this Scheme, we will request information from job applicants� previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. Likewise, HIAS will share this information when other organizations inquire about current and former HIAS staff as part of their recruitment process. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.