Jewish Education Consultants

Washington, District of Columbia, United States DC

Organization SummaryBBYO is the leading pluralistic, Jewish teen movement and serves as the most valuable platform for delivering to the post- Bar/Bat Mitzvah audience fun, meaningful, affordable experiences that inspire a lasting connection to the Jewish people. We offer year-round activities in hundreds of local communities and inspiring world-wide travel experiences enabling teens to explore areas of leadership, service, civic engagement, Israel education and Jewish values. Today we have over 20,000 North American members and 7,000 international teens. Learn more about BBYO programs at: http://bbyo.org/azabbg.

BBYO Regional Conventions bring together the best of the AZA and BBG chapter experience— lessons in leadership, community service, global connections, exploration and understanding of Jewish heritage and tradition. For decades, BBYO programs have served as second homes for teens. During hundreds of weekend conventions a year, BBYO is building communities of teens from across North America and ensuring that teens have meaningful experiences and build a diverse network of lifelong friends. 

BBYO is currently looking for Jewish educators to consult and engage with eager teens across North America. The preferred consultant is dynamic and teen-oriented, thrives in pluralistic communities, and represents their own authentic relationship to Jewish learning, practice, and identity. BBYO is seeking educators that are happiest when not in the front of the room and are instead watching a teen that they’ve taught facilitate an experience.  

We have multiple exciting opportunities within the Jewish Education Consultant (JEC) space at BBYO. If you are interviewed, we will discuss each opportunity and select the best fit(s) for you. In some cases, our JECs take part in each experience, while others only participate in one of the below options:

JEC Regional Convention Support

Key Educator Responsibilities: Facilitate in the planning and execution phase of teen-led services and general Jewish Enrichment opportunities

  • Before Convention: (Starting about 10 weeks prior to convention)

    • Partner with BBYO regional professionals to establish a shared vision for Jewish Enrichment throughout convention

      • 1-2 meetings with regional staff to review convention schedule with an eye to Jewish Enrichment, Pluralism, and Jewish practice.

    • Educators will be contracted to support between 5-8 Jewish Enrichment moments including, but not limited to:

      • Shabbat Services, Havdalah, Jewish Enrichment Enhancements, Facilitating a JE Limmud or program moment

    • Provide direction and expertise to teen leaders throughout their preparation to lead Shabbat, daily prayer experiences, rituals moments, programs, and activities.

    • Edit outlines and scripts, both alongside teens and in preparation for calls

    • Encourage creative approaches to Jewish moments

    • Represent and teach BBYO culture, Jewish values and leadership, Judaic programming, and help teens discover their Jewish identity in the planning process

  • During Convention:

    • Help prepare and coach teens to facilitate ritual and Jewish program moments

    • Support and help facilitate meal rituals (Birkat Hamazon, Motzi, Handwashing, etc)

    • Work with song leader(s) to ensure thoughtful and inspiring Shabbat atmosphere

    • Promote, uphold, and protect BBYO’s pluralistic commitment

    • Be present throughout the weekend for participants to engage in structured and unstructured discussions with teens; inspire teens to embrace their Jewish journeys and identities

    • Participate in all programming and attend/help facilitate assigned activities as needed

    • Observe opportunities to enhance Jewish enrichment experiences at future conventions

    • Create a positive, enjoyable experience for participants

  • After Convention: (Within 2 weeks of convention)

    • Partner with regional staff to offer feedback, suggestions, and future planning

    • Follow-up with teens on feedback and resource creation

  • Payment and Assignment: Consultants will be contracted per convention experience and paid a $1,150 honorarium upon completion of pre-convention work, convention attendance, and post-convention follow-up. Additional opportunities to engage with teens virtually may be available and pay will vary.

JEC Regional Convention Support J-Lab Specialist

Key Educator Responsibilities: Create a meaningful and engaging Jewish Learning Lab during convention which will include interactive exhibits and programs

  • Before Convention: (Starting about 10 weeks prior to convention)

    • Partner with BBYO regional professionals to establish a shared vision for J-Lab locations and programming

    • Meet with designated teen leaders to create a vision for J-Lab exhibits and experiences.

    • Create programs, resources, and materials for J-lab experiences

    • Encourage leadership opportunities for teens and staff within the J-Lab as appropriate

  • During Convention:

    • Set up and oversee designated J-lab spaces

    • Facilitate programming in J-lab

    • Be present throughout the weekend for participants to engage in structured and unstructured discussions with teens; inspire teens to embrace their Jewish journeys and identities

  • Payment and Assignment: Consultants will be contracted per convention experience and paid a $1,150 honorarium upon completion of pre-convention work, convention attendance, and post-convention follow-up. Additional opportunities to engage with teens virtually may be available and pay will vary.

 JEC Chapter Programming Coaching

Key Educator Responsibilities:  Support teen leaders in building meaningful chapter programs and utilizing the Jewish Enrichment grant funding they were awarded.

  • One 30–45-minute meeting with chapter leaders to support a chapter-based Holiday, Shabbat program, or Jewish ritual/tradition program

  • Review and edit script and program guides and coach teens on elevating Jewish Enrichment experiences

  • You will be paid $50 per coaching call, payment is distributed monthly

Target Chapter Support

Key Educator Responsibilities: Yearlong consultant to provide mentorship and coaching to chapter leadership in order to elevate Jewish moments on the chapter level.

  • Provide consistent coaching to chapter Shlichim, executive board, and Advisor to help elevate Jewish moments on the chapter level

  • Establish a regular cadence of calls (at least 2-3x month) with teen leadership, with increased call frequency around upcoming events

  • Provide program-based mentorship for between 4-7 teen-selected calendar moments including at least 1 Jewish holiday

  • and 1 Shabbat experience

  • Provide general coaching and mentorship on infusing Jewish content/moments into chapter experiences (ex. social media

  • campaigns, chapter meetings, etc.)

  • Guide the establishment of short-term and long-term chapter goals around Jewish education and chapter excellence

  • through a Jewish lens

  • You will be paid $1700 per assigned chapter

Who You Are:  You have strong Judaic knowledge and background, as well as experience coaching Jewish content. You are proficient in some variation of Jewish prayer, values, holidays, or rituals.  You are a capable teacher and motivator; you have experience working with teens; you are committed to authentically representing your Jewish identity and you are a positive Jewish role model.